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    1. 傑登廣告有限公司

      傑登廣告行銷 成功結合創意>>企劃>>行銷>>設計印刷製作及配送服務。始終秉持一貫的精神,來服務客戶,更希望能夠解決客戶問題,來贏取客戶的信任,

      電話:02-29257555    地址:新北市永和區中山路1段225號2樓
    2. 承暉精品有限公司


      電話:02-28160079    地址:台北市士林區延平北路8段2巷172號
    3. 丞希綠色資訊企業有限公司

      ... 現階段,我們利用我們擅長的社群網路技術(facebook/plurk/twitter),在這些主題上 開發 與 耕耘。

      電話:02-22022888    地址:台北市信義區基隆路一段400號十樓之二
    4. 阿米果網路科技有限公司

      We manage a social shopping website. Connect with Facebook , Twitter, and Plurk. We help people to improve their buying decisions. The consumers could read precise reviews of goods through our website and making their buying decision. Join us you can learn more skills of the social age technologies.

      電話:02-27634433    地址:台北市大安區和平東路二段118巷54弄18號
    5. 凱樂金霸(亞洲)有限公司

      ...Kalmbach was founded in Munich in 1878 as a wholesaler of screws and black-smiths supplies. Today, KK is one of Germanys leading wholesale dealers in con-nector and fastener technology, custom parts, tools, power tools, and other assembly items, for trades and industry. In recent years, Keller Kalm...

      電話:07-6219675    地址:高雄市岡山區中山北路28號8樓A室地圖

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